In 1764, Isaac(1), Margaret, and their children moved from Sherborne to Natick, Massachusetts. Son Isaac(2) was born at Sherborne in 1733. Several years after his parents and family moved to Natick, Isaac met and married Abigail Greenwood, a sister of William Greenwood. They returned to Sherborne and were married there in the year 1758, the 27th day of April.
Isaac and Abigail settled in Sherborne and their first three children Huldah (1759-?), Jonas (1761-1822), and Sarah (1762-?) were born there.
The rest of the children born to Isaac(2) and Abigail were: Miriam (?-?), Abigail (1765-1837), William (?-?), and Isaac(3) (1767-?), all born at Natick, Massachusetts. Sarah, William, and Isaac were to later move to Vermont.
A revolutionary document from the state papers of New Hampshire lists Isaac(2) Bond and William Greenwood, among others above the age of twenty-one, as signers of the Document at Dublin, New Hampshire.
Isaac(3) Bond continued moving westward and settled in Chester, Vermont.